The Pmb Aero Club boasts a fleet of FIVE aircraft for training, and four of these are for hire-and-fly. The fleet consists of two C172's, a Sling 2, a C150 and a Piper Arrow for advanced training.
Pmb Aero Club Members can BOOK a HIRE & FLY by clicking on the link.
This will take you to the SEAMS flight.
If you are unable to book an aircraft it means you have not been authorised to on the system. Please contact the CLUB OFFICE for assistance.
NB! Download the free SEAMS App for your phone!

The KZN Passport Program
Rules of Participation
To win, KZN Passport holders must complete the following:
Visit a minimum of 10 of the 25 Selected Airfields listed on this site, and arrive by Aircraft. You do not have to be the Pilot. (Yes, Social Members can take part too by hitching a ride in an aerie!)
Go to as many Airstrips as you like, and you may visit more than one Airfield on the same day.
Prove the visit with a photograph(s) showing the participant, the Aircraft and the Pmb Aero Club KZN Passport Program Sign placed at the Airfield.
The photograph(s) must be date stamped and the number on the sign must be visible.
Score the highest number of points to win.
The points must be recorded in your KZN Passport with the official stamp.
Fly to as many qualifying Airfields on any day as you can manage, and MAKE SURE you have photographic proof!
You can WhatsApp it to Telani on 082-490-1654, or just bring in your pics and Passport for stamping.
The pilot and all passengers who are signed up for the passport program may all earn equal points at the destination provided they furnish proof.
If two or more contestants have the same number of points at prizegiving, a tie-breaker quizz will be held to decide the winner.

Pmb Aero Club Members can BOOK a HIRE & FLY by clicking on the link.
This will take you to the SEAMS flight.
If you are unable to book an aircraft it means you have not been authorised to on the system. Please contact the CLUB OFFICE for assistance.
NB! Download the free SEAMS App for your phone!

Click here for the list of